
After Prom. Is it worth going?
Allison Pearsall

High School's across the country have been celebrating the end to the school year. A fun last couple of days for Seniors are an important part of the high school experience. The prom is a major event that people have been getting ready for, for months. "I've had my dress ready since January," says Ruby Bloom, '18 "I was the first person to post it in the Facebook groupchat and I got my after prom dress for nine dollars at Forever 21." Many girls have been on the hunt for the prom dress but what's interesting is the talk, or no talk at all, about the 'after prom'.

This is an event run by students who have inherited the details and work needed to put it all together from graduates of the year before. The event starts when prom ends. Around 11pm kids will be out of their tuxedos and gowns and stepping into their Feragamo belts and sneakers. The usual attire for girls are a simple short dress and sneakers so they can party all night without achey feet.

Not everyone chooses to partake in the event and parents arent the biggest fans of the idea. The students put together as much money they can to get a club to host the party in New York City. "The best part of my night was the ride to the city in our party bus." graduate Reid Evans, '17 says. Kids will spend hundreds of dollars on one night to go perfectly but not everything is able to run as smooth as they'd like when it comes to a ton of kids out in the city until three in the morning.
